Apprenticeship Central offers new recruitment resource to hauliers

Haulage firms requiring an outsourced solution to fulfil their recruitment and apprenticeship activities can now use newly launched service provider Apprenticeship Central.

Born out of the creation of ABLE TO (Support Services) in 2021, Apprenticeship Central is offering a free consultation to businesses considering taking on apprentices or need support in looking after their apprenticeship cohort.

It has launched with three main services: Recruit, which finds and processes apprentice vacancy applicants; Nurture, which helps employers ensure their apprentices remain engaged and motivated; and Ensure, which provides a safeguarding service and offers opportunities to candidates to share difficulties in work or life generally.

Bob Linwood, founder of both ABLE TO and Apprenticeship Central, said: “ABLE TO was created with a two-pronged service offer: to help businesses with their marketing activities and separately, to help employers develop their apprenticeship strategy by providing operational support and taking responsibility for running their in-house apprenticeship programme.

“We will celebrate our second anniversary soon and with an ever increasing demand for our clearly defined individual apprenticeship services, now is the right time to evolve and give our unique apprentice proposition its own brand to power forward with.”

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