DVSA offices face safety inspection in flap over ‘crumbly concrete’

The DVSA said it was in the process of identifying which of its buildings, including those used by the traffic commissioners, were affected by the presence of ‘crumbly concrete’.

After more than 100 schools were told to shut just as the new school year was starting when reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) in the buildings was gauged to be deteriorating, experts warned that the scale of the problem was much wider and affected many more public and private buildings than educational establishments.

Harrow Crown Court, which was built in 1991, was closed last month after RAAC was discovered during improvement works to the roof.

Research carried out by Loughborough University found police stations, law courts, libraries and office blocks could all be affected.

The university said the next phase of research was to look at the best ways to assess and grade the risk of RAAC failure, and on the most effective course of action to ensure RAAC in buildings was safe.

Professor Chris Goodier said: “It is important that the concerns around RAAC are not overstated. There is nothing from our research to indicate that RAAC fails immediately after 30 years, or that it is a dangerous material.

“What our research does show is that RAAC that has been poorly manufactured, installed or maintained is at greater risk of failing.

“The task we now face is to find out where RAAC is in buildings and assess the state it is in.”

A DVSA spokesman said: “Each government department is now identifying which buildings are affected by RAAC.

“Those suspected of having RAAC will be surveyed. These will then be used to determine what action needs to be taken.”

The post DVSA offices face safety inspection in flap over ‘crumbly concrete’ appeared first on Motor Transport.

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