Expect Distribution poaches Menzies sales director after former owner Neil Rushworth steps down

Expect Distribution’s commercial director and former owner Neil Rushworth will step down from his current role at the end of the year, to be replaced by Bob Duffy at Menzies Distribution.

Rushworth who has spent more than 34 years at the helm, expressed his confidence in his replacement, stating: “When considering my successor, Bob was at the top of the list!

“I am delighted to welcome Bob to the business at this crucial time. We are aiming to exceed 2023’s growth in 2024 and his appointment is a key one in helping us achieve this.”

Duffy has served as a sales director and provided solutions for warehousing and distribution for 15 years.

He said: “I’ve known Neil for almost 20 years and have been very much aware of Expect, its growth over that time, and its successes.

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  • Expect Distribution accelerates growth plan with new acquisition
  • Expect Distribution sees revenue boost in 2022 but profits hit by “significant” financing costs
  • Menzies Distribution battles to diversify after delivering profit plunge  

“After meeting the rest of the board and gaining a deeper understanding of the business, it certainly got me thinking about a new challenge and a new journey.

“The family culture, the ambitions of the team and the opportunity to be part of that leveraged me away from Menzies.”

In January 2022, Expect underwent a management buyout, with Andy Taylor and Matthew Kilner taking over as joint owners.

The majority shareholding held by Robert and Neil Rushworth was sold with Neil continuing to retain a minority equity.

Duffy added: “Expect Distribution is already a well-established and successful business. My aim is to ensure we continue to be the number one provider in Yorkshire, focus on our strengths, continue to attract and retain quality people, and anchor the future with our recent acquisition and continued presence outside of Yorkshire.”

The post Expect Distribution poaches Menzies sales director after former owner Neil Rushworth steps down appeared first on Motor Transport.

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