Government Remains Cautious Over Proposal To Extend Time Between Tests For ER Operators

The government is unconvinced that earned recognition (ER) operators should be exempt from having their vehicles tested every 12 months, after it asked the industry for feedback.

The department for transport (DfT) has been exploring ways in which members of the ER scheme might enjoy more flexibility in their operations as a result of demonstrating high standards, reports Chris Tindall.

It proposed four options, including removing the requirement for ER firms to have their vehicles tested every 12 months, allowing these companies to test their own vehicles, or streamlining test content by removing items that are covered in routine inspections.

It also suggested giving ER operators guarantees of authorised test facility slots.

However, the DfT said more work was required to calculate the risks involved in these moves. It said that although there had been ‘moderate’ support for altering the testing frequency, it was based on a limited number of responses from businesses and evidence to support the possible benefits.

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