Hauliers urged to take part in survey to help develop Scottish HGV apprenticeship

Logistics employers across Scotland are being urged to complete an online survey which will help create a modern Driving Goods Vehicle apprenticeship, aimed at meeting the sectors current and future needs.  

The survey has been launched as part of a wider move to review and refresh apprenticeships across Scotland, using an industry-led approach to ensure skills and qualifications are fit for purpose and future-proofed.

Representatives from across the sector have been working to develop the new apprenticeship and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is now seeking feedback on the apprenticeship through an online survey.

SDS is urging anyone with an interest in apprenticeships and skills for the sector to take part in the survey. It is especially interested in hearing from employers, employees or representatives or stakeholders from across the industry, such as trade bodies, trade unions, awarding bodies and training providers. 

Brian Kenny, RHA head of training has been involved in the redesign of the apprenticeship. He said: “This is an important step in the evolution of driver apprenticeships in Scotland, the training of apprentices to gain their vocational licence is vital to the industry.

“RHA has supported the development of this redesign and encourages all employers to respond and have their say on how our workforce of the future is trained.”

Jonas Keats, Logistics UK policy advisor, commented: “This survey provides a great opportunity for businesses to have their voices heard during the process of redesigning the Driving Goods Vehicles Apprenticeship.

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He added: “Logistics UK is pleased to have been able to have an input in this process already, having played an advisory role in SDS’ Technical Expert Group (TEG) on this subject. We have taken this opportunity to advocate on behalf of the logistics sector to ensure that the voices of those affected by this change will be heard.

“As the logistics sector continues to contend with skills gaps across Scotland, now is a more important time than ever to be ensuring that any new qualifications take into account the challenges and considerations which operators and training providers face on a daily basis.

“We therefore urge anyone who has a stake in the delivery of this apprenticeship to take part in this survey being published by SDS, as your feedback will help to ensure that the new framework reflects the needs of the sector today. With your help, we can ensure that the new apprenticeship gives learners and employers the skills they need to succeed going forward.”

Willie Thomson, Unite the union’s regional industrial organiser, said it is important for the sector to help shape apprenticeship programmes that meet the needs of both apprentices and employers alike.

He added: “We encourage all stakeholders within the sector to take the opportunity to complete the survey. Your valuable input will contribute to the development of an apprenticeship framework that ensures a skilled and prosperous future for the driving goods vehicle industry. Together, we can build a stronger, safer, and more sustainable workforce for generations to come.”

The survey can be found by going to https://bit.ly/DGVapprenticeshipsurvey and participants should complete it by Monday, 11 September.

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