Nairn A96 Bypass To Happen

THE publication of Made Orders for the A96 Dualling Inverness to Nairn (including Nairn Bypass) scheme is a major step forward in delivering around 31km of new dual carriageway between Inverness and Hardmuir.

Cabinet Secretary for Transport Fiona Hyslop said: “We remain committed to improving the A96, including dualling the section between Inverness and Nairn and a Nairn Bypass.

“Subject to there being no challenge to the Made Orders this would complete the statutory process and allow us to acquire the land to build it. It will also allow us to take forward work to determine the most suitable procurement option for delivering the scheme and thereafter a timetable for progress can then be set.”

The post Nairn A96 Bypass To Happen appeared first on Transport News.

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