New Topaz Volvo order a real gem

Topaz Transport has taken on a brand new Volvo FH 540 Globetrotter XL 6×2 tractor unit, continuing a relationship with the marque that is as old as the Carlow company.

The new truck joins a 32-strong fleet, of which 28 vehicles are already supplied by Volvo Trucks and it will be used primarily for container transport.

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Topaz acquired its first Volvos the same year it was founded in 1999 and since then they have been ever-present in the customer’s fleet.

Transport manager Neil Moloney, said: “We’ve been firm fan favourites of Volvo Trucks for many years.

“Though we do have other manufacturers on the fleet, when you consider all the variables from fuel economy and reliability to comfort and aesthetics, Volvo simply delivers the best bang for your buck. We see little reason to go elsewhere in the near term.”

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