Survey Reveals Hauliers’ Concerns

A TELETRAC Navman survey of more than 1,800 road haulage fleet operators has revealed that rising fuel costs (39%), disruption due to the impact of Covid 19 (32%), and supply chain pressure (31%), are the top challenges they currently face.

“The last 12 months have created new complexities for fleets, but fuel cost rises are the number one concern for operators,” said Alain Samaha, president & CEO of Teletrac Navman. “As the cost per gallon of fuel spiked throughout last year, many operators looked to driver behaviour programs and EV transition plans.”

A third (32%) of respondents said that the conversion to next generation fuels is one of their largest areas of expense (second to purchasing new vehicles).

More than a third (41%) said environmental impact is their biggest concern about the current economic environment; outside of transitioning to next generation fuels, of which 30% were looking to move to EVs in the next 12 months, maintenance of existing fleet continued to be the largest expense for 39% of those surveyed.

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